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New Brewer Magazine | Editorial Cover Shoot

Project: Magazine Cover Shoot

Location: Windsor, Colorado

Deliverables: Professional Photography used for the cover of a national publication & web content.

I don’t often get to do print work, so when The Brewers Association contacted me to shoot a cover for their publication, The New Brewer, I leapt at the opportunity. The Brewers Association is the authority on all things craft beer, and the magazine was doing an issue featuring New England IPAs. These purposefully cloudy IPAs were recently added to the Brewers Associate beer style guidelines, and while they aren’t new to the industry, they’ve exploded in popularity over the last year. Boasting a bright golden orange color, these juicy, hazy IPAs were both fresh and delicious.

The New Brewer is a publication with a readership in 30 countries or about 37,500 people all passionate about beer. With a mockup of what the cover was going to look like, I had an idea of how to frame the shot to work with the design they had. The goal of this editorial set was to make the beer look as amazing as it tasted.

Neil Fisher, the owner of Weldworks brewery was writing an editorial on New England IPAs for The New Brewer, so we did the shoot at his brewery. Weldworks brews several incredible New England IPAs, including a local favorite, Juicy Bits. Their brewery in downtown Greeley, Colorado was ideal for the shoot – a wall of rustic barrels and an almost monochromatic look made the taproom an excellent backdrop to contrast against the golden color of the IPA. With light streaming in from the windows, the taps were perfectly highlighted by a shot of the pouring beer. We were able to get some amazing lifestyle photographs for the cover and accompanying editorial.

This shoot was a lot of fun and not just because I got to sample a bunch of Weldwerks beers. Because shooting for a print isn’t something I normally do, the unique parameters let me be creative in framing and conceptualizing the shoot in fresh ways. I’d like to thank Jason and Neil for helping create such an unique experience and a great cover image.