Brandon Tormanen | Motion Director & Creative Director


Featured projects including recent photography and video production.

Pachamama CBD | Content Creation


Project: Lifestyle Content

Location: Fort Collins, CO

Deliverables: Branded photography & motion graphics for social media & website.


Denver based CBD company Pachamama is new client and recently we created a series of images for their web and social channels. The creative direction behind the images was to highlight their all natural ingredients along with their down to earth branding and quest for adventure.

Pachamama CBD product photo featuring palm and massage stones.
Pachamama CBD product photo featuring a pair of climbing shoes and rock climbing chalk.
CBD tincture product photo featuring turmeric and black pepper spices.
CBD product photo featuring fresh, raw ingredients on a multicolor backdrop.
Pachamama CBD product photo on a blue backdrop featuring turmeric and black peppercorn.